Code Complete Notes, Chapter 3, Sections 2 and 3

Defining the Problem

Section 2 of Chapter 3 is very simple: you should know what problem you’re trying to solve before you try to solve it. It normally shouldn’t be stated in technical terms. Instead, it should be the simplest issue that you’re trying to solve.

For example, “We need developers to be able to parallelize their tests” isn’t a good problem definition, it’s already settled on a solution. “Developers’ tests take way too long to run” would be much better, because it states the problem, not a solution.

Defining Requirements

Section 3 covers devising the requirements for your software project. These should be agreed upon before work begins, and the customer should be the one in charge of validating the requirements.

Crafting well-defined requirements before starting the actual coding is important. It costs a lot more to adjust a design to meet new or updated requirements after code has been written than it does to just write the code to fit the requirements in the first place.

Specifying requirements adequately is a key to project success, perhaps even more important than effective construction techniques.

S. McConnell, Code Complete, second edition. Redmond (Washington): Microsoft Press, 2004.

But of course, requirements are rarely perfectly defined. It’s hard for customers (and developers, too!) to accurately describe requirements initially. As customers come to understand the system better, they’ll be better able to develop accurate requirements. So no matter how much we want things to be perfect the first time, it’s unlikely to ever happen in practice.

… the average project experiences about a 25 percent change in requirements during development.

S. McConnell, Code Complete, second edition. Redmond (Washington): Microsoft Press, 2004.

Dealing with changing requirements can be difficult, but it can be made easier by making it clear to your customer or client that changes cost, often monetary (though that depends on the type of project) and almost always in terms of time. If a customer is too happy-go-lucky with changes, establishing a change-control board to review the proposed changes may also be helpful (though I’d imagine that’s mostly where you’re doing client work).

One other important consideration is keeping the business reason for the project in mind. Oftentimes, you’ll find that features that sound neat or even necessary won’t be so important when you consider the main reason for the project.

Finally, this section concludes with a series of questions to ask yourself about your project’s requirements to ensure they’re solid. Reference the book directly for the list.


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