Category: Uncategorized
Working with Bare Repos in Git
When we think about git and git repos, we don’t often think about separating the .git repo itself from the working directory. But we can actually have a lot of fun with bare repos. They give you a lot of flexibility, and when you’re doing things like deploying code or running builds, that’s useful. Searching…
Wildcard Certs w/Let’s Encrypt & Cloudflare
Awhile back, when wildcard certs first became available from Let’s Encrypt, I wrote a post about using Google Cloud DNS to create wildcard certificates. Since then, however, it’s come to my attention that Cloudflare offers DNS for free that interacts with an API. So I figured, why not move over to use Cloudflare’s DNS, instead?…
Revamping my Dotfiles with Zgen
I’ve recently spent some time reworking my dotfiles repo. Up to this point, I’ve mostly just taken what someone else has made available, changed it to work just enough for me, and left it at that. Finally, I’ve put in some time to update them so that they’ll work better for me. As part of…
Listing & Switching Contexts in Kubernetes
This is going to be a quick post – but I wanted to put it here for my own reference, since it’s something I have to look up pretty often. I might as well make my notes about it public so that others can benefit, too. What are ‘Contexts’? In Kubernetes, a Context is essentially…