Happy Day of the Turkey!

This week has been great. I’ve still been a little bit sick on and off, but I think that it’s finally completely going away now. At least I haven’t thrown up since last week.

This past Saturday was the baptism of Andres Valencia, who if I haven’t told you already, had been investigating the church for about 5 years. It was really a great experience, and though much of his family wasn’t able to make it, we had 3 past missionaries from the area come for it. His confirmation was great, and he’s already a strong member. He might actually move to Utah in the near future so that his wife can be nearer to her family.

Our good friend Margarito, who was baptized something like a month ago also received the Priesthood yesterday, and actually helped pass the sacrament right after. It was great to see him being able to help with that. We just hope that his wife can get out of working on Sundays so that she can come to church.

We got the news on transfers this week, and both E. Barrios and I are staying here, so we’re together for another transfer. That means that we both get to be here for Thanksgiving and Christmas! That will be good fun. I’m excited, because we’ll probably be seeing some good snow up here. I must admit, after I got my call, I didn’t expect to see much (if any) snow during my mission.

Anyway, I’d best be going. Everybody have a good Thanksgiving!


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