The Week in Review

Well, how’s it going, everybody? I sure hope that it is going well.

I feel that it is my duty to report that I really have no idea what’s going on with my shoulder now. When I called the Doctor last Tuesday, he said that it’s more than likely that I will need another surgery. But, for another 3 weeks or so, I’ll be wearing the sling pretty much all the time, even when I’m sleeping. I’m not very happy about that, especially because sleeping with a sling in the heat of Arizona is certainly not the happiest thing. Anyway, I’m not able to sleep very well, but we’ll see exactly what happens with that. For now, I’m just working as hard as I can.

Anyway, apart from the shoulder and lack of sleep and all, this week has been pretty jolly good. We set another baptismal date, with that Graphic Designer guy from Ecuador. We originally thought that he was going to reject it, because he didn’t feel that he had received an answer to his prayer. But, when he was talking to us he mentioned a few times that he knew that the Book of Mormon was true… Anyway, so we pointed out to him that if he knows that it’s true, then he knows that Joseph Smith was/is a Prophet, and that if that’s so, then the church that he established is also true, and anyway… The moral of the story is that he’s going to be baptized on the 16th.

We’ve also got the Baptism of Jesus Vallas coming up this week, which promises to be pretty exciting. It’s going to be jam-packed with people, because everyone in the Ward knows about it, and his wife’s family is all coming, too. Anyway, we’re pretty excited for that. And so is he! It’s going to be excellent, and it’s awesome to be able to see his testimony grow..

So, yeah… That’s about it. It’s supposed to get to 107 here today. Yeah. Wow. That’s all that I’m going to say, apart from: thank goodness for Air Conditioning.

But yeah, that about does it. Oh, everyone should study up on Repentance.. That’s been the subject of my studies for the past few days, and it’s pretty much amazing. Everyone should re-read that talk from Conference, “Repentance and Conversion.”

Anyway, I’m done now. Have a superb week!


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