The NFL?

I figured that I’d write this week about something rather exciting that happened to my companion. Yesterday we got a call at around 10:30 from an Elder Ashton, who is currently serving in the ward where my companion’s brother lives in Phoenix. He called us to inform us that Elder Marquardt’s brother was given a free-agent contract for the NFL, and he has signed up to play for the Cincinnati Bengals for two years. It’s pretty awesome, I must say. So, yeah… My companion’s brother is going to be in the NFL.

Anyway, in other news, this week has been pretty good. The work goes well, though we still haven’t quite been able to set any baptismal dates with anyone. But hopefully that will come soon. We’ve got people that are progressing toward baptism, we just need them to take the final steps toward it.

We also had an awesome Zone Conference this week, though we were kind of called to repentance on some things. Sis. Bassett (the wife of the mission president) talked for about 30 minutes about how we need to make sure that we’re looking and acting the part of being representatives of Jesus Christ, in language, grooming, etc. Anyway, it was pretty exciting.

Other than that there wasn’t too much exciting this week, except that while we were eating with some English members we heard two loud ‘bang’s, to which they immediately perked up and said, “That’s the SWAT team!” Anyway, the SWAT team was performing a raid of some sort just down the street, and we stepped outside for a few minutes to see what was going on. It was pretty exciting, though kind of disturbing that the people knew that the sounds of what I suppose were flashbang grenades meant that the SWAT team was there.

But yeah, it’s fun stuff. We’ve been keeping plenty busy with a lot of stuff, but not too much of it is incredibly exciting. Of course, doing missionary work is quite the awesome thing, and I’m enjoying it quite a lot. Life is good and the Church is true.

I reckon that’s about all that I have to say for this week. Enjoy!