Companions Forever

Well, hopefully it won’t last forever. But as of 2 days from now, my current companion will have been my companion for the longest period of time. We got transfer news, and he and I will be staying together for my last transfer. It’s crazy to think that I’ve only got one more transfer left, as a transfer seems like quite a short amount of time. There’s quite a bit of change going on in the zone, but I’ll still be here for my last stretch.

Anyway, this week wasn’t the most exciting, to tell the truth. We got some pretty promising new investigators, had a decent amount of lessons, and went on exchanges with some other Elders, all of which was pretty interesting, but there wasn’t really anything spectacular, apart from a mission president’s fireside that we went to last night, which was quite a bit of fun, and a farewell dinner for the Sister Lopez that is going home to her beloved Chile. So, that was fun. But yeah, there wasn’t that much else that went on.

So, pretty much, what I think I’m trying to say, is that I really don’t know much else that I can say about this week. It’s been good, don’t get me wrong, but there just wasn’t anything really spectacular. So, yeah… I think that I’m going to close up now by saying that… Well… Darn. I can’t think up anything really witty to say right now. Well, hey. Have an incredibly fabulous week. No, really. Do.