

Why hello, everybody! This week has been spectacular, I have to say. You see, we’ve had quite a few good things happen. First off, I believe that I mentioned last week that we were going to have a baptism on Saturday. Well, it turned out that her daughters also decided to be baptized, so we got them (Ana, the mother, Andrea, and Paulina) interviewed and everything, and they were baptized on Saturday and confirmed yesterday. It was great stuff.

For the baptism, we had decided to do a musical number, which turned out to be amazing. Elder Robinson played the guitar and we both sang, including a little bit of harmony that we made ourselves. It turned out to be a great musical number. On top of that, we both gave 5-minute talks, and I ended up baptizing the younger girl. It was kind of weird, because I didn’t expect to do it, and then when they showed up (about 5 minutes before it was supposed to start), they asked me if I would go ahead and do her baptism. Anyway, it was pretty exciting.

On top of all of that, it was also a big enough baptism that we had to move it from the Relief Society room to the chapel. They invited all of their friends and everything, and it was a great thing.


We also had a great activity this week in the other branch. They called it the ‘Noche Hispana,’ and they had tons of dancing and good food and a bit of good ‘ole music, too. Anyway, it turned out to be a great activity. One of the most exciting parts was that one of the little kids from the branch borrowed first E. Robinson’s camera, and then mine, and took a total of over 200 pictures of the event. He enjoyed it, and some of the pictures turned out looking pretty decent, so we didn’t mind.

Apart from all of that, the week was decent, and would have been worthy of mention even without the baptism and activity. We taught a decent number of lessons, more than we’ve taught since I came to this area. So, that was great. We’re hoping that we’ll be able to keep it up.

Anyway, that’s about all that I can think to write right now, so I’ll go ahead and finish up. Everybody have a great week!


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