The Coldest Day

Yes, that’s right. This weekend, I experienced the coldest day that I have in quite a long time. It was a day unequaled by any in Arizona. And therefore I am happy.

I like cold. I like snow. So, I was happy.

But, I was not here. I do believe that it snowed here. But I didn’t see the snow here. I spent this last weekend in a stunning part of Idaho, enjoying cold weather and preparing my family’s cabin for winter. It was glorious. Absolutely glorious. Plus, I found the perfect way to make s’mores when the only fire is inaccessible (or, rather, nearly so)… Believe it or not, a quality s’more can be made with a microwave. I’ll even include the recipe.

Ingredients: 1 full graham cracker, broken in half (to form 2 squares; 2 puffy marshmallows; some chocolate (an amount equivalent to 2 pieces of a Hershey’s chocolate bar)


  • Place both the graham cracker pieces on a plate
  • Put the chocolate over 1 of the pieces of graham cracker
  • Microwave the graham cracker pieces and chocolate for approx. 20 seconds (at least in the microwave at my cabin…)
  • Put one marshmallow on top of each piece of graham cracker
  • Microwave everything for approx. 10 seconds, or until the marshmallows begin to inflate
  • Take it out, slowly turn over the graham cracker piece with no chocolate on it to make a sandwich, taking care to not make the inflated marshmallows roll all over. If they do, they make quite a mess.
  • Enjoy!

I hope that works for you. It worked beautifully for me. Tastiest thing ever.


One response to “The Coldest Day”

  1. allyson Avatar

    My family went up the canyon last night to have what will probably be the last “smore” night of the year. I thought I would miss them, but now I can make them in the microwave? I won’t have to wait until spring!

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