
  • The Importance of Themes

    Lately, I haven’t been posting much here. And believe me, there is a pretty decent reason for that. You see, lately I’ve realized that in order for a blog to have a following (and therefore make an difference, be it for better or worse), it must be focused on one subject or another. In my…

  • What the Dog?

    [local /files//dog-eats-lunch.wmv nolink] So, I figured that this video was pretty funny. My dear mother sent it to me via email. I also wanted to test out what exactly my blog does with video. I guess I’ll find out soon, eh?

  • I’m in the Future

    I’m pretty sure that none of you knew this, since I didn’t even until a few minutes ago, but I can send messages to people in the future. Yeah, that’s right. I sent a not-yet-email to someone. Mostly I’ m writing this because I haven’t written anything in awhile, and believe it or not, that…

  • The Intuos 3

    Today I received my amazing Intuos 3 tablet from Wacom. So far, I’m super-excited about it. It took me awhile to get the settings figured out and whatnot, but man am I happy with it. I didn’t get to use the Cintiq tablets down at BYU, sadly, since they wouldn’t check out the pens to…

  • Scheming Pyramids

    This past week, I had the wonderful opportunity of hearing a presentation about what can’t truthfully be called anything but a pyramid scheme. Well, that is, except for under the strict definition placed by the government. You see, pyramid schemes, strictly defined, are illegal in most countries. A straight-up pyramid scheme involves people dolling out…

  • Free? Free My Foot!

    ‘Free’ generally implies ‘free of charge,’ in my experience. How about yours? Well, apparently not for The revenue that they generated from the advertisements and pop-ups on their site wasn’t sufficient, so they decided that they should automatically get anyone that applied for a free credit report and sign the up for a monthly…

  • Vancouver Special – Renovated

    Lately, I’ve taken a liking to contemporary design. There are some things that I’m not incredibly fond of, but overall, I think that it makes for some awfully beautiful architecture. So, it’s only natural that I liked this renovation when I saw it. It took a basic, old, rather ugly (if I may say so)…

  • A Big Bowl

    So, I figured that I had to write something soon. I was going to write something on Tuesday night, but I was disappointed with the outcome of the event where I was. So, I’m writing about the Superbowl as it’s going on so that I won’t be disappointed with its outcome and thus further delay…

  • Holy Amazing Presentations, Batman!

    I just found (via a blog that I follow) the thing for which I’ve been waiting for an indeterminably long time. That is, an amazing alternative to Microsoft Powerpoint. I mean, I know, Powerpoint makes our lives easier (especially in school, for me), but still… It’s ridiculously… Ridiculous. Seriously. Who really enjoys using Powerpoint? Sorry,…