
Who wants to pay $90 to get back? Any volunteers? Because I know that I sure don’t. And guess whose fault it is? I’m blaming godaddy.

The reason that I am doing so mostly relates to’s lovely assumption that no one would ever want to change services to someone else. I mean, why in the world would anyone ever rather use another registrar? The very thought is preposterous! Rather, so it seems to Godaddy.

They’ve made it awfully difficult to move a domain name registered through them to someone else. And that, my friends, is the reason that they now want me to pay $90 to get it back. But alas, I do not feel so inclined. And therefore, goodbye applyclan. That is, unless they release it to public registration soon. Then I will be able to register it again at a much more reasonable price – $8.95.

Let’s hope, shan’t we?


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